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If you would like to contribute an article to Give First™ there are 5 steps.

  1. Read the information below, in particular article requirements, your benefits, and payment rates.
  2. Register.
  3. Complete the form and attach your article.
  4. We will contact you to advise you if your article has been accepted.
  5. If accepted, make your payment and your article will be published on Give First™.

This information is fairly lengthy but it is broken up into 5 sections:

  • Article requirements
  • Benefits
  • Article submission requirements
  • Payment rates and options
  • Form to complete

Article requirements

These are the requirements for your article. (* denotes compulsory)

  1. * It should be 300 � 500 words.
  2. * Not in contravention of any copyright laws.
  3. * Have at least one benefit to the reader that can be summarised in a few words for each benefit.
  4. *It must be an information article only there is to be no sales pitch.
  5. Have a 3-5 word title, that sums up the benefit to the reader, or as close as possible.

Your article will be considered carefully. If it is accepted, you will receive the benefits described below.

(Currently it is our policy to not charge for submissions of articles to Give First™. However, that policy may change with no further notice. Therefore it is our recommendation that you submit your article as soon as possible and notify other quality authors that you know, that this offer is for a limited time. only)


Your article will be listed on our website for 6 months. After that it will be listed in the archive area of our website.

The number of hits to your article will be recorded and the top ten articles will be listed and updated weekly.

At the end of your article you will have the following four opportunities.

  1. List your email address if your reader would like further information, it is vital that you respond within 2 business days hours,
  2. List the url for your website and
  3. List the url for your blog and
  4. List the url for your reader to register for your newsletter

If you have products or services to sell, to sell successfully, you must first obtain the trust of your reader. That is why it is vital that your article is to be an information article, and not a sales article. Its intention should be; to be of assistance and or benefit to the reader.

If they require more information from you we recommend that if possible, that you offer further information before you ask them to purchase from you. We believe that will build more trust and then if you have a product that your reader wishes to buy, they will be more inclined to purchase from you (not your competition and tell others about your products/services). Our belief at Give first™ is that the more value you offer/ and or people you help, the more money you will make. Not all people will buy from you, but the more people you help, the more people that will buy from you.

Article submission requirements

Before you submit your article, please read the following information that you will need to adhere to and agree with before your article is considered.

  1. It is 300 � 500 words.
  2. It is not in contravention of any copyright laws. That you acknowledge your copyright ownership, and agreement that if there is any challenge regarding your copyright, your article will be withdrawn pending further investigation
  3. It has at least one benefit to the reader that can be summarised in a few words for each benefit.
  4. It is an information article only and there is no sales pitch.
  5. That you will acknowledge your willingness to allow the publishing of your article by Give First™
  6. That you will acknowledge your acceptance that the decision made regarding the acceptance and placement of your article will be final and that you acknowledge that no further correspondence will be entered into.
  7. That you will acknowledge that you indemnify Give First™, its representatives, partners and employees from any litigation of any kind as a result of your article and confirm that any legal financial obligation for Give First™ is limited to what you have paid in charges.

Payment rates and options

Please be advised that the following prices are introductory prices, and they will increase. However, as part of our introductory offer, your article will retain the pricing structure of the original application (which means no price increases, ever).

Your articles will be listed on the web site for 6 months and will then be placed in the archive area of the web site. The monthly charge is $100.00 for the web site and $20.00 for the archive section. If your article is popular it will remain on the website at no extra charge. (archiving charges still apply)

You can elect to have it put straight to archives, rather than on the web site. The charge for that is $100.00 set up charge and $20.00 per month.

There is a 3 and 6 month package and three annual package deals available:

3 month package $300.00 This includes the $100.00 set up cost, and 3 months on the website for a total charge of only $300.00. Normally $400.00, this is a saving of $100.00, which is a month of web site listing for free.

6 month package $500.00 This includes the $100.00 set up cost, 6 months on the website, for a total charge of only $500.00. Normally $700.00, this is a saving of $200.00, that equals 2 months of web site listing for free.

Annual package 1 $580.00 This includes the $100.00 set up cost, 6 months on the website, and 6 months of archiving fees for a total charge of only $580.00. Normally $820.00, this is a saving of $240.00, that equals 2 months of web site listing and 2 months of archiving for free.

Annual package 2 $260.00 This includes the $100.00 set up cost and 12 months of archiving fees for only $260.00. Normally $340.00, this is a saving of $80.00, that works out to be 4 months of archiving for free.

Annual package 3 $140.00 This package is only available after the first year. (Your set up fee has already been paid) This includes the 12 months of archiving fees for only $140.00, normally $240.00, saving $100.00, that works out to be 5 months for free.

These fees are payable after acceptance of your article and before your article is lodged.


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